Availability View - Combined View of the GRC and Function Diary

STS Cloud offers a combined view of the GRC and Function Diary together on one screen. This is another way to analyze and review room nights used and meeting space use together, offering a review of availability relative to a value of room and catering sales for potential events.

The Eye icon in the top menu bar is to view the Availability.

On the initial view, the screen will show a daily view of the GRC for guest rooms, and the function diary below it for the day.

To Change the daily view to another date, click the calendar icon and select a date to view.

To see a full month on one screen, click the Month button on the right. This shift your view for a full month of per day use of guest rooms (gross, net and actual room night, and meeting spaces block.

In the GRC recap, you can click the group name to open the booking to work on it.

In the Function Diary below, you can click on a blocked event, and an event summary will appear for the booking.

The Event summary will show room block and event spaces. When menus are selected in a function, it will include the menu items in use as well

Click the Edit booking button to open the group to update and work on the booking as needed.

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