User Management – Property Level Users


STS Cloud Users with a Manager Level access will be able to go into the database Account Settings to create a new user, edit a current user, or delete a user.  (An above property user with access to multiple property databases can log into a specific hotel to manage users within a property level as well).  User management is critical especially with staff changes, as you want to assure departing users do not have remote access to your database. You can quickly setup a new hire for system access.

To access User Management in Account Settings:

1.     Click the Utility Wheel in the top right next to your name

2.     Click Settings for the Property

3.     The Account Settings screen will open

4.     On the left click on Users

The User screen opens and you will see the list of your current users.


1.     To create a new user, click the New User button on the right

2.     A new user setup must have the items denoted with an (*) to complete the setup process

3.     Create the Username (cannot have spaces or special characters)

4.     Enter the initial Password (you can create a generic one)

5.     Confirm the initial Password

6.     Enter the email address

7.     Enter First Name, Last Name, Title and Phone (required)

8.     Scroll down to Role, and select one of the following as appropriate:

a.     USER – this person will have access to the system to work, but have no access to the Account Settings.  You can also control a User Permissions once created.

b.     MANAGER – this person will be able to work fully in the system and have access to the Settings for the Property

9.     NOTE: For ProposalPath clients, the Integrations relates only to ProposalPath, and each user can update this section once they are created as a user within their own User Setting

10.  Scroll down and click Save User Account

Once a new user is created, an email is sent immediately to the email of the new user, allowing them to activate their login.  If the user did not receive the email, the system generated email may have gone into a Spam, Clutter or Junk folder dependent upon their email settings.


Once a user is created, you can manage permissions for each USER role.  Permissions are set per user, based on your needs, restrictions or use policies.  There is not a permissions button for a MANAGER role.

To update a USER level permission:

1.     Within Account Settings, click Users

2.     Your active user list will appear.

3.     Click the Permissions button next to the user you want to update

4.     Click Save to retain your setting changes

You will see a list of actions, with check marks.  A check mark indicates the user can perform that function.  You can uncheck a function to restrict a user from completing.  Common example is unchecking any of the delete functions, preventing a user from deleting any work.

If you have a view only type role you want to set, maintain a check in the Read functions.

For a Reporting only user (who can run reports, maintain the check on all Read Functions and Reporting only.

Data Utilities – uncheck this option if you do not want the user to access the Account/Contact export in the Tools section. 


USER Settings Note:  User details are used in merge templates, so you want to assure the user has edited their information and included their email, phone, etc. for proper merging.  A user can manage their personal information by clicking the Utility Wheel in the top right next to their name, and click Settings for Username:




When a user is no longer going to work for you, it is imperative you update the user’s settings, to prevent any remote access to your database. 

When database access should stop, do the following to lock the user out of your system, but retain the username as active in the interim of hiring a replacement of requesting a re-assignment of tasks and information to another user.

1.     Click the Utility Wheel in the top tight next to your name

2.     Click on Settings for the database

3.     Click Users

4.     Click the Username of the person to manage

5.     Once their settings open:

a.     Change the password and confirm the password to something only you know

b.     Change the email address to yours or designated email that the user will not have access to

c.     Scroll down and click Save

This step maintains the user work short term, and stops them for any further system access.



Once you hire a new person for a former user’s work, we are able to update the system and move an old user to a new user.  This will transfer the old users future to do’s, activities, bookings, etc. to the new hire.

To move work from one user to another, this is done via your account manager or support on request.  Please reach out to our office to process this change.  Note this move of work from one user to another cannot be undone once completed.



Within the User Settings Management, you do have a Delete User option.  Deleting a user does not delete any of their input of data or pending work, bookings, etc.

If a user is deleted, it does remove the user from the reporting tool, and you would not be able to select that user or include a deleted user when running reports.  Reporting has a Salesperson for selecting all users or one or select users, and in those lists in the reports, deleted users do not show up.

We recommend following the steps noted above in Staff Resignations or Departures first to preserve the user for reporting, and then delete once you have replaced the former user, or determined who will inherit their work in the database.

Again, deleting a user does not delete any work, data entry etc. in the system.



For users with multiple hotel access, please contact your account manager or support to create the new users.  A corporate user with multiple hotel access is handled by our team for you.  This will provide the user a single login, and allow them to work within a selected hotel, easily switch to another hotel, and from their home page, allow for key metric rollup reports of their portfolio in the corporate reports tool.

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